Key financials

Group key financials

Key figures January-December 2024

EUR thousand unless otherwise stated 10–12/2024 10–12/2023 Change 1–12/2024 1–12/2023 Change
Revenue 11,484 11,737 -2.2% 43,953 37,069 18.6%
Revenue growth, per cent -2.2% 50.6%   18.6% 27.2%  
Organic growth, per cent -2.2% 15.3%   2.8% 11.3%  
EBITDA 782 953 -17,9 % 4,607 2,614 76.2%
EBITDA, % of revenue 6.8% 8.1%   10.5% 7.1%  
Operating profit excluding goodwill amortisation (EBITA) 750 917 -18,2 % 4,477 2,341 91.2%
EBITA, % of revenue 6.5% 7.8%   10.2% 6.3%  
Comparable EBITA1) 849 865 -1,8 % 4,560 2,754 65.6 %
Comparable EBITA, % of revenue 7.4% 7.4%   10.4% 7.4%  
Operating profit (-loss) -145 41   1,137 -235  
Operating profit (-loss), % of revenue -1.3% 0.3%   2.6% -0.6%  
Result for the reporting period -369 -335   -456 -1,075  
Result for the reporting period, % of revenue -3.2% -2.9%   -1.0% -2.9%  
Earnings per share, EUR       -0.04 -0.09  
Return on equity, %       -3.6% -8.7%  
Equity ratio, %       43.2% 38.9%  
Number of employees, at the end of the period       394 412  
Overall capacity, own personnel (FTE), at the end of the period       379 392  


1) Items affecting comparability are presented in the table Comparable EBITA.


Calculation of key figures

EBITDA  = Operating profit + consolidated goodwill amortisation + goodwill amortisation + depreciation and amortisation
EBITA = Operating profit + consolidated goodwill amortisation + goodwill amortisation
Comparable EBITA = Operating profit + consolidated goodwill amortisation + goodwill amortisation + items affecting comparability in operating profit
Earnings per share = Result for the reporting period / Average number of shares outstanding during the period (average of beginning and end of period)
Equity ratio, % = (Equity total + non-current capital loan + current capital loan) / Total equity and liabilities
Return on equity, % = Result for the reporting period / Average equity
Overall capacity, own personnel (FTE) The Overall Capacity, FTE (Full Time Equivalent) figure shows the overall capacity of the Group’s personnel, converted into a value corresponding to the number of full-time employees. The figure includes the entire personnel, regardless of their role. The figure is not affected by annual leave, overtime leave, sick leave or other short-term absences.