Board of Directors

- Chairman of the board since 2017.
- CEO, Cascate Oy.
- More than 30 years of experience in management positions in the IT industry. Worked previously at Netum in various positions in 2004 – 2021. Extensive experience in public administration information management, e.g. as Chief Information Officer at the Ministry of Finance and Chief Information Officer at the Ministry of Labour.
- Independent of the company but dependent on significant shareholders

- Entrepreneur, Redhill Management Consulting. From 17 April 2023 CEO, Association of Civil Engineers and Architects RIA
- More than 30 years of experience in the construction and real estate development industry in positions related to personnel, communications and responsibility, of which almost 20 years as a member of the Corporate Management Boards in Finland and internationally
- Independent of the company and significant shareholders

- CEO, Suomen Tekstiili & Muoti ry and Muoti-Vateva Oy
- Previously held several senior management positions, including CEO of Net Effect Oy, Culminatum Innovation Oy, Helsinki Business Hub Oy and Innovus Oy
- Post doctoral researcher at Aalto University School of Business and management position at Culminatum Oy
- Member of the Board at Innovus Oy, Bestser Oy, Muoti-Vateva Oy, Helsingin yliopiston alumni ry, Tex-Inno ry and previously at Maahenki Oy and Net Effect Oy
- Independent of the company and significant shareholders

- Executive Partner, XD Solutions Oy
- Previously held several senior management positions, including Puumerkki Group, Raisio Group, Nokian Heavy Tyres, Patria
- Chairman of the Board, Nokian Panimo Oy and member of the Board at, i.a. Nordic Inertial Oy and Finnish Defence and Aerospace Industries - PIA
- Independent of the company and significant shareholders