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The development of Posti’s logistics system was entrusted into the capable hands of Netum

PETS, or Posti’s “event tracking system”, was developed for the parcel, freight and print media business and is the heart of Posti’s order-delivery process. Posti appreciates the expertise of Netum’s employees in refining and developing the large logistics system.

Posti and Netum have been cooperating on various software development projects for a long time. Netum developed and built the Posti track & trace system, often called PETS, in 2016. Currently, a small team of Netum’s software specialists are taking care of the system's further development together with Posti.

Kimmo Kekki and Hanna-Mari Lapp, responsible for developing Posti's track-and-trace logistics system, find Netum’s work and expertise extremely valuable.

“Their professionalism and expertise are strong, and they are able to solve challenges effectively,” says Lapp.

Kimmo Kekki has worked at Posti for a long time and has been involved in developing the PETS system since the beginning. Kekki says he is happy with how the system was initially designed.

“The system has been clearly structured and sufficiently scalable. It has fulfilled its purpose.”

Kimmo Kekki, Hannu Vänttinen and Hanna-Mari Lapp

Five billion events per year 

The PETS logistics system is crucial for Posti’s operations. The system's functionality directly affects the experience of Posti’s customers, including millions of Finns who send and receive parcels and letters.

In addition to parcels and letters, PETS is also used to handle the logistics of freight transports and publications. The system can also take into account the special requirements of beverage logistics, for example.

The system processes over five billion events annually and passes on data to dozens of other systems, generating a massive amount of data every second. 

Kimmo Kekki clarifies that an event can mean many things, such as receiving a notification of incoming items or handling the shipment in different stages.

In other words, the system is the heart of Posti’s operations and processes the highest number of events. It needs to be reliable.

Kimmo Kekki, Posti

An increasingly efficient and sustainable system

Posti and Netum share the same green transition goals, so the PETS system is also being developed in a more efficient and sustainable direction.

The system is constantly being developed based on Posti's needs arising from various business development projects. Kekki values Netum’s experts’ ability to ask the right questions already in the definition stage so that ideas can be refined and plans steered towards successful outcomes. 

“They come up with ideas on whether something could be done differently. This is due to the comprehensive management expertise that Netum’s experts have of PETS,” says Lapp.

Netum employees also feel that the cooperation works excellently. Solution Lead Hannu Vänttinen from Netum, who has worked with the PETS system since 2017, thinks the dialogue is open. 

“We don’t just blindly implement anything without discussing it first. For example, if a specific function is requested, but I notice that it clashes with something else in the system, I raise the issue for discussion to work out a solution together.”

Hanna-Mari Lapp, Posti

Agile use of artificial intelligence

Both Posti and Netum use artificial intelligence in their application development. Now, in software development, the aim is to innovatively try the possibilities of generative AI more widely in application and coding development, aiming for cost efficiency and agility. 

The cooperation between Posti and Netum is close, and everyone feels they are part of the same “hybrid team”. Hanna-Mari Lapp describes Netum’s experts as highly flexible.

“One more strength comes to mind: speed. If something needs to be done, Netum’s experts will get right on it,” says Kimmo Kekki.